Résultats de la recherche
prénom |
Polynomial Greatest Common Divisor The calculator gives the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two input polynomials. |
Squarefree polynomial factorization The calculator extracts square factors from the input polynomial. |
Polynomial root isolation The calculators isolates real roots of the input univariate polynomial using Sturm and VAS-CF methods. |
Polynomial roots The calculator solves polynomial roots of any degree. For small degree polynomials analytic methods are applied, for 5-degree or higher the polynomial roots are estimated by numerical method. |
The discriminant This online calculator calculates the discriminant of the quadratic polynomial, as well as higher degree polynomials |
Characteristic polynomial This online calculator calculates coefficients of characteristic polynomial of a square matrix using Faddeev–LeVerrier algorithm |
Eigenvalue calculator This online calculator computes the eigenvalues of a square matrix up to the fourth degree by solving the characteristic equation. |
Eigenvector calculator This online calculator computes the eigenvectors of a square matrix up to the 4th degree. |
nth root algorithm This online calculator implements nth root algorithm to find the principal nth root of a positive real number. |
FOIL Calculator This online calculator shows steps to multiply two binomials using the FOIL method (or the FOIL mnemonic) |
Reduced Row Echelon Form (RREF) of a matrix calculator This online calculator reduces a given matrix to a Reduced Row Echelon Form (rref) or row canonical form, and shows the process step-by-step |