Calculs mathématiques à plusieurs variables
La calculatrice calcule le résultat d'une formule comportant plusieurs variables.
You may use several indexed variables in math formula. Define the variable values separating them with a space. The first value stands for x1, the second for x2 and so on.
You can use arithmetics operations, numerals, math functions and constants in the multivariable math formula.
+ - addition
- - subtraction
* - multiplication
/ - division
^ - power
sqrt - square root
rootN - N th root, e.g. root3(x) - cube root
exp - exponential function
lb - binary logarithm ( base 2 )
lg - decimal logarithm ( base 10 )
ln - natural logarithm ( base e)
logB - logarithm to the base B , e.g. log7(x) - logarithm to the base 7
sin - sine
cos - cosine
tan - tangent
cot - cotangent
sec - secant
cosec - cosecant
arcsin - arcsine
arccos - arccosine
arctan - arctangente
arccotan - arccotangente
arcsec - arcsecant
arccosec - arccosecante
sh - sinus hyperbolique
ch - cosinus hyperbolique
tanh - tangente hyperbolique
cotangente hyperbolique coth - cotangente hyperbolique
sech - sécante hyperbolique
csch - cosécante hyperbolique