Calculation of volume, weight or quantity of construction bars

This online calculator calculates the weight, cost, total length and other characteristics of construction bars.

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Créé: 2023-12-14 09:53:16, Dernière mise à jour: 2023-12-17 21:29:51

The calculator below calculates the quantity of construction bars by weight or weight by quantity based on the nominal diameter (bar profile number) and the length of one bar. You can also calculate the cost by setting the cost per 1 ton. The calculator gives the theoretical value of the mass and allowable limit values, according to GOST 5781-82.

PLANETCALC, Construction bars

Construction bars

Nominal diameter in millimeters
Length in meters
Weight of the given quantity in kilograms
Digits after the decimal point: 3
Weight (kg)
Maximum weight (kg)
Minimum weight (kg)
Maximum quantity
Minimum quantity
Volume of bars (cubic meters)
Total length (m)
Weight of one bar (kg)
Weight of one meter (kg)
Permissible weight deviation %%

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PLANETCALC, Calculation of volume, weight or quantity of construction bars
