Tax deductions from personal income tax
This online calculator estimates tax deductions from personal income tax according the the laws of the Russian Federation.
According to Russian legislation, every employer is obliged to withhold tax on personal income in the amount of 13% of his/her earnings. This means that the government has taken away from you about 15% of the amount that you get your hands on for the last year. Fortunately, you can get back the part of this sum (and in some cases the full amount).
To return the money, you have to fill your tax return form and provide documents proving your expenses, for which the tax code provides tax deductions.
Property deductions
The most significant part of the tax can be recovered after using property deductions granted to citizens who have acquired the ownership of real estate or have spent significant funds to repair existing housing.
The amounts below 2 million rubles spent on the purchase, construction, or renovation of apartments or houses are not taxed. If you took out a loan for this purpose, the amount paid as interest on the loan is deducted from the tax base (with no limit on the amount). It should be noted that the unused portion of a property deduction can be transferred for the next year.
The maximum possible return:
260k. rubles + 13% of the amount of interest paid on a mortgage
Keep in mind that the property deduction when purchasing a property can be used only once in a lifetime.
Social deductions
Deducted from taxable income:
1) Charity expenses: (not more than 25% of total income)
2) Сhildren education expenses (up to 50 thousand. rub. for each child )
3) Expensive treatment expenses
4) Expenses in the amount not exceeding 120k. rubles spent on:
- own education
- healthcare
- payments to the private pension funds
- contributions to cumulative part of pension:
The maximum possible return:
15.6 thousand rubles. If you spent on education, medical treatment, or pension contributions
plus 6.5 thousand for each child if not less than 50 thousand spent on education
plus 13% of the quarter of earned money if spent on charity
or up to 13% of earnings if you spend it on expensive treatment
The following calculator will help you calculate the money that can be returned: